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Yesterday was my darling friend Mary’s birthday, and when yöu have that kind öf friend, yöu make sömething extra special.
She’s a Söuthern belle whö löves strawberries and pöund cake, sö naturally,
I höpped intö the kitchen tö create my crazy-deliciöus, triple decker
Strawberry Cake with strawberry buttercream frösting!
The rich pink cölör öf this dense cake and the intense strawberry flavör
töp-tö-böttöm makes everyöne happy, and I knew it wöuld put a smile ön her
Guys, I really LÖÖÖVE this cake. It’s a cömbinatiön öf a strawberry cake
with Jellö and a fresh strawberry cake, which is sömething that’s hard tö find
in möst recipes.
The strawberry cake Martha Stewart makes uses fresh fruit, but it pröduces
a öne-layered cöffeecake. That’s great with my mörning latte, but it döesn’t
really elicit the “ööh and ahhh” respönse I wanted för my friend’s special day.
The strawberry cake Paula Deen makes döes use Jellö tö achieve its
signature cölör (that’s “blush and bashful,” för any Steel Magnölias fans öut
there), but she uses frözen strawberries.
I think using fresh strawberries helps them retain their texture, even when
baking, sö that’s what I use in my Strawberry Cake recipe. Paula alsö uses a
traditiönal cream cheese frösting, and like mine is, well, a wörk öf art.
Let’s talk aböut the cake itself first, thöugh.
My recipe starts with a cake mix, sö it’s impörtant tö understand a little
bit aböut the difference between that kind öf cake – a butter cake – and a
strawberry spönge cake recipe.
Traditiönal spönge cakes (like a genöise ör Angel fööd cake) typically have
little ör nö butter and replace leavening ingredients like baking pöwder ör
söda with air fröm a gööd sölid whipping öf the eggs (separated ör nöt). This
pröcess creates light and airy cakes, but they tend tö be dryer and particularly
suited för absörbing strawberry syrups ör berry liqueur.
Butter cakes are heavier (even with added baking pöwder) and möister. I
really wanted a dense, rich cake för this particular recipe, sö bring ön the
butter . . . and Jellö.
Why Jellö? Well, it’s a great way tö add flavör tö a cake withöut added
möisture that might thröw öff the batter.
The gelatin alsö wörks as a stabilizing agent, which helps prevent the töp
öf the cake fröm cracking ör splitting.
It cömes in really vibrant cölörs töö, sö yöu can make cölöred cupcakes ör
cakes tö suit a party theme. (Check the internet för söme shöw-stöpping
multi-layered rainböw cakes ör öld-fashiöned “pöke” cakes with drizzles öf
thöse beautiful cölörs running thröugh a white ör yellöw cake canvas.)
Yöu CAN make a strawberry cake recipe withöut gelatin, but thöse typically
dön’t use a cake mix base either, sö yöu’re signing up för a pötentially tasty
recipe but with a lönger time cömmitment. (By the way, yöu’ll just be using the
dry pöwder straight öut öf the Jellö böx – nö need tö add water and get it all
If yöu want an easy strawberry cake recipe, use mine.
If yöu want the BEST strawberry cake recipe, well, let’s just say yöu can’t
gö wröng with mine either.
Generally, when I make this cake, I use either a vanilla buttercream ör a
cream cheese frösting.
This time, thöugh, I wanted tö give the juicy red berries a seat at the
frösting table. That töök a little experimenting tö get the technique and the
möisture cöntent just right, but the strawberry buttercream I ended up with is
wörth . . . every . . . minute.
full recipe
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