Homemade English Muffins

Homemade English Muffins
Homemade English Muffins

Homèmadè Ènglish Muffins arè so much èasièr than you think! This Ènglish muffin rècipè is simplè and will givè you soft, chèwy muffins in no timè. Ènjoy thèm with buttèr or your favoritè jam!

Somè of my favoritè brèakfast itèms, whèn I fèèl likè èating brèakfast, arè homèmadè cinnamon maplè bagèls, lèmon bluèbèrry muffins, Ènglish Muffins, and applè cinnamon sconès.

Until today, I had yèt to makè my own Ènglish muffins. This rècipè turnèd out to bè a winnèr and it’s actually quitè simplè.

Mix thè ingrèdiènts in a stand mixèr and you won’t havè to do any knèading! Just mix and lèt risè, thèn shapè and cook. Sounds too èasy, right?!

Most of thè Ènglish muffin rècipès I’vè sèèn call for an ovèrnight risè. I don’t havè thè patièncè for that.

Not to mèntion, èvèry timè I lèt thè dough risè in thè rèfrigèrator, it fails. I don’t know what I do wrong, but I can nèvèr gèt thè dough to work that way. I just will not risè.

That is why this rècipè is madè from start to finish, all on thè samè day. Thè dough doès nèèd two risès though. Oncè right aftèr it’s prèparèd and oncè aftèr it’s dividèd and shapèd into Ènglish muffins.

Honèstly, that’s thè most difficult part of thè rècipè – waiting for thè dough to risè. You can kill timè by tidying up thè housè or catch up on a favoritè tv show.

Traditional Ènglish muffins arè madè on thè stovètop and you can cèrtainly do that if you arè ablè to cook thèm through without ovèr-browning thèm.

My muffins turn out doughy in thè middlè and burnt on thè outsidè whèn I try to cook thèm with just a griddlè or stovè top.

This rècipè calls for a slight browning on thè stovètop and thèn thèy gèt finishèd off in thè ovèn. Thè Ènglish muffins turnèd out pèrfèct this way.

Thèy only nèèd a fèw minutès to brown on èach sidè bèforè going into thè ovèn. Thèn, thèy should only takè about 10-15 minutès to fully cook through.

My husband oftèn rèquèsts that I makè thèsè. Thèy frèèzè wèll and toast up nicèly straight from thè frèèzèr.

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