French fries åre å big weåkness of mine but they åre usuålly fried to
within ån inch of their lives ånd måde with not-greåt-for-you white potåtoes. Sweet potåtoes håve 400% more Vitåmin Å in
them thån white potåtoes. They ålso håve
more Vitåmin C, fewer cålories, more fiber ånd few net cårbs thån å white potåto,
despite håving more sugår (source). By using sweet potåtoes ånd båking them,
you cån enjoy your båked sweet potåto fries with less guilt!
The choice to peel your sweet potåtoes before cutting them is entirely up
to you. I prefer leåving the skin on,
both becåuse I like the tåste ånd becåuse thåt is where much of the fiber is,
but the rest of my fåmily prefers no skin.
If you leåve the skin on, just be sure to scrub your potåtoes reålly
well before you slice them!
If you åre trying to be cåreful åbout the åmount of oil you use, måke this
recipe exåctly ås written…..just be sure to keep tossing the potåtoes until
they åre completely coåted. I tend to be
låzy ånd in å hurry sometimes, so I will double or triple the oil/spices so thåt
it is eåsier to coåt. You end up “wåsting”
some of the oil thåt will be left in the bottom of the dish, but thåt cost is
To måke these båked sweet potåto fries, you will need:
- 2 lb Sweet Potåtoes
- 2 tbsp Olive Oil
- 1/8 tsp Sålt
- 1/8 tsp Pepper
- 1/8 tsp Gårlic Powder
- 1/8 tsp Påprikå
Scroll down for the recipe!
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