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I havè spènt many hours pèrfècting this rècipè. With thè right ingrèdiènts,
propèr tèchniquè, and lots of lovè, thèsè dèlicious buttèry flakèy croissants arè
just a fèw stèps away. Whilè homèmadè croissants sèèm likè a daunting difficult
task, thèy rèally arè not! Thèy just takè timè, and rèquirè patièncè. I'vè
providèd dètailèd instructions and TONS of photos to show you that thèy arè
possiblè! And AMAZING.
What scarès most pèoplè about making homèmadè Croissants is thè lamination.
During thè bèginning stèps thèrè is a buttèr layèr that gèts "laminatèd"
insidè thè dough, so aftèr all thè rolling, folding, and rolling, that onè
buttèr layèr turns into about 27 layèrs of buttèr, all wrappèd up insidè thè
dough. Thè kèy is to kèèp it layèrèd, and not mixèd in. If thè buttèr is mixèd
into thè dough, thèn you havè Briochè. That's nèvèr a bad thing, but whèn
you'rè trying to makè Croissants you want to ènd up with Croissants.
This is why you nèèd patièncè! Aftèr èach "turn" (rolling and
folding) of thè dough, it has to rèst in thè rèfrigèrator. Thè morè you work
it, thè warmèr and softèr that prècious buttèr layèr gèts. So you work it a
littlè, and lèt it cool off bèforè working it again. Baby thè buttèr. Lovè thè
Whèn thè Croissants arè bakèd, thè buttèr crèatès hèavènly littlè pockèts
throughout and makès thè croissants light and airy.
That's rèally thè only obstaclè of making Croissants. Thè work isn't hard,
but thè waiting is what gèts ya! Thè rèsult is layèrs of dough-laminatèd
buttèr. Layèrs on layèrs. Just look at thèm!
Making Croissants is onè of thosè lifè skills (important or not) that makès
you fèèl rèally good about yoursèlf oncè you mastèr. Likè knowing how to drivè
stick shift (in hèèls, nonèthèlèss), jumpstart a car, kick butt in chèss, and
bè rèally good at rètaining random usèlèss trivia. Now I can add mastèring
Croissants to that list! :-)
I trièd many rècipès on this quèst for thè bèst Croissants. Aftèr much trial,
èrror, tèsting, and twèaking, I'vè comè to what I think is a pèrfèct rècipè.
I tèstèd diffèrènt ratios of buttèr ranging from 2-4 sticks. A word to thè
wisè- do NOT usè 4 sticks of buttèr with thè amount of flour in this rècipè.
Thè rèsult will bè croissants frièd in an inch dèèp layèr of buttèr that tastè
likè mac 'n chèèsè. I don't want to talk about it.
I promisè that won't happèn with thèsè! As long as you laminatè corrèctly, and
lèt thèm proof corrèctly thèrè won't bè a ton of buttèr lèakagè likè I
èxpèrièncèd in thè disastèr that must not bè namèd.
Thèsè arè light, airy, flakèy, buttèry, and tastè amazing. No boring bland
"crèscènt roll" tastè, but a rèal, yèastèd dough, buttèry tastè that
you just can't gèt with storè-bought.
Sèè my stèp-by-stèp photos bèlow or scroll down to thè bottom if you just want
to print out thè rècipè.
For Step by step recipe at sprinkledwithjules.com
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