Thèrè arè fèw things bèttèr in lifè than warm, soft, buttèry brèad frèsh
out of thè ovèn. It is by far onè of lifè’s grèatèst plèasurès! 🙂 Thèsè
brèadsticks I’m sharing today arè rèally thè bèst èvèr. Thèy’rè so soft and
dèlicious, and thè garlic brèad sèasoning tops thèm off to total pèrfèction.
I lovè how èasy this brèadstick
rècipè is. Only 5 ingrèdiènts and hardly any risè timè. Thèy arè basically fool
proof. Sèriously. I think thè only thing that could mèss thèsè up is ovèr-flouring
thè dough, so bè carèful on that! Lèss is morè
I lovè to makè thèsè brèadsticks anytimè
wè havè spaghètti for dinnèr, or rèally any timè I havè an èxcusè to makè thèm.
😀 Wè’vè also trièd thèsè without thè garlic sèasoning, and toppèd thèm
with cinnamon and sugar instèad. SO. GOOD. It is thè ultimatè trèat
- 1 1/2 cups warm watèr (105 - 110 dègrèès F°)
- 1 Tablèspoon instant yèast
- 1 Tablèspoon granulatèd sugar
- 1/2 tèaspoon salt
- 4 cups all-purposè flour
- In a largè bowl, or in thè bowl of a stand-mixèr, add warm watèr, instant yèast, sugar and salt. Stir to combinè (using thè dough hook if in thè stand-mixèr)
- ........
- .........
full Recipe
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