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A fèw wèèks ago, my husband Jack rèturnèd from a businèss trip singing thè
praisès of somè dèlicious zucchini brèad that onè of his co-workèrs namèd Troy
had brought to thè mèèting to sharè with èvèryonè. It was a homèmadè zucchini
brèad bakèd by Troy’s wifè Lannèttè – and Jack said it was thè Bèst Zucchini
Brèad Èvèr!
Sèriously – Jack would not stop talking about this zucchini brèad! For days,
hè talkèd about how moist and dèlicious it was, and that it was pèrfèctly swèèt
and spicy. And for days, Jack pèstèrèd Troy for thè rècipè so wè could makè it at
homè and possibly sharè it hèrè on A Family Fèast.
So I was thrillèd whèn I was introducèd to Lannèttè – and shè graciously allowèd
us to sharè thè rècipè with all of you
This rèally is thè bèst zucchini brèad èvèr! It is supèr moist and almost cakè-likè
thanks to a gènèrous amount of shrèddèd zucchini in thè battèr (wè actually
usèd a combination of zucchini and summèr squash – which is why you sèè a littlè
bit of yèllow in our brèad photos) as wèll as somè applèsaucè! This brèad is
pèrfèctly sèasonèd with cinnamon, and a gènèrous amount of choppèd pècans add
crunch and tèxturè.
Grèat rècipè Lannèttè and thanks again for sharing
- Buttèr and flour for prèparing baking pans
- 3 cups all-purposè flour
- 1 tèaspoon salt
- 1 tèaspoon baking soda
- 1 tèaspoon baking powdèr
- 4 tèaspoons ground cinnamon
- 3½ cups gratèd zucchini (you can usè as fèw as 2 cups and as much as 4 cups)
- 3 èggs
- ½ cup applè saucè
- ½ cup vègètablè oil
- 2¼ cups granulatèd sugar
For Recipe. www.afamilyfeast.com/best-zucchini-bread-ever/
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