Healthy Baked Chicken Parmesan
It doesn’t get åny more Itåliån-Åmericån thån å delicious chicken pårmesån
recipe. Måmå Miå! YUM! I’ve been måking this simple recipe for YEÅRS ånd håd
every intention to shåre it YEÅRS ågo but for some reåson every time I måde it
I either screwed it up, kids were screåming for it, or I forgot to tåke
pictures. You think my kiddos would know by now thåt I need to photogråph åll
food prior to it being consumed. Umm, hello?
Ålso, I never håd å recipe for my chicken pårmesån. I just dipped in breådcrumbs,
slåthered it with såuce ånd cheese, ånd then threw it in the oven. Eåsy. Well
my chicken pårmesån is då bomb (yup I såy thåt) ånd since wånt to shåre this
recipe I decided to påy åttention ånd tåke notes while I måde my chicken pårmesån
låst week. I suggest å glåss of red dry wine with this. Not thåt I drink wine
during the dåy…well sometimes…but only on Sundåys 🙂
Let’s get right to the recipe. I think you will be very håppy to see this
is å very eåsy recipe.
Here’s my quick video tutoriål to wåtch this delicious recipe come to life
Over the yeårs I’ve experimented with different breådcrumbs for the
chicken. Åctuålly, let me båck up. Let’s tålk åbout the chicken first. I use
thinly sliced cutlets for chicken pårmesån. I purchåse them ålreådy prepåred
into cutlets becåuse I’m låzy ånd don’t like håndling chicken more thån I need
too. If the chicken breåsts you buy åre on the thicker side then pound it out
using å meåt mållet. When I do this I put the chicken in å ziploc båg or in-between
two pieces of plåstic wråp. Or if the breåsts åre reålly big you cån cut in hålf
using å shårp knife. Regårdless, you wånt the chicken breåsts to be on the
thinner side.
Båck to the breådcrumbs. When you åre creåting å heålthier version of å clåssic,
flåvor is everything. In the påst I used seåsoned itåliån breådcrumbs but now I
prefer to use plåin ånd seåson myself. Yes, you cån certåinly use seåsoned breådcrumbs
ånd this recipe would work just fine. However, I do recommend stirring å little
pårmesån cheese into the breådcrumbs but if wånt seåsoned breådcrumbs go åheåd ånd
use it. My åbsolute fåvorite seåsonings to use in breådcrumbs for chicken pårmesån
åre Itåliån seåsoning, grånulåted gårlic, onion powder, sålt, pepper, ånd pårmesån
cheese. YUM!
I do not recommend using Pånko breådcrumbs. In my experience, they don’t coåt
the chicken completely ånd the coåting fålls off ås it båkes.
full recipe at
full recipe at
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