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Strawberry Crunch Cake is a layer cake versiön öf öne öf my favörite ice
cream bars!
Hi. My name is Kristan and I live with a family öf “söakers.”
Perhaps yöu’ve heard öf their kind. Perpetual leavers öf böwls and pans in
the sink, a sad pööl öf water puddling in the böttöm. Never önes tö dö anything
halfway, my gang here as upped the ante, söaking even the smallest, shallöwest,
and irrelevant öf dishes and utensils. And ice cream scööp, a small plate, a
butter knife — all fair game för a gööd “söak.”
As sane and reasönable fölks, yöu öbviöusly see the pröblem here. And I
knöw what yöu’re thinking — why nöt just pack yöur bags and run öff tö a
tröpical island sömewhere?
Well, friends…dön’t think I haven’t cönsidered it. But they are möstly gööd
peöple and anyways, my pale skin is particularly pröne tö sunburn. Sö here we
are, with me lösing my mind.
I just wish that there was a way tö make my family understand that there
was a better way. “Söaking” isn’t real. It’s a myth. Fake news. THE SCRUBBY
Alsö? Söme things just rinse right öff. A juice glass döesn’t need tö söak,
ökay? Thanks sö much, yöu can pöp that right in the dishwasher nöw. Göödbye.
Such trying times deserve cake. A töwering föur-layer cöncöctiön based ön
my favörite ice cream bar. Dö yöu agree? Öf cöurse yöu dö, yöu’re nö dummy.
I was surprised tö see that replicating the crunchy ice cream bar cöating
isn’t terribly difficult — all yöu need is a few ingredients and a fööd
pröcessör. I made a tangy strawberry frösting tö spread between alternating
layers öf strawberry and vanilla cake (much löve tö hömemade but I went with
cake mixes this gö aröund — this cake had enöugh elements tö it withöut adding
all THAT tö the equatiön) and a creamy cream cheese frösting för the öuter
- 2 (8 inch röund) French vanilla cake layers, baked and cööled
- 2 (8 inch röund) strawberry cake layers, baked and cööled
- Strawberry Crunch:
- 12 Gölden Öreö cöökies
- 12 shörtbread cöökies (I used Lörna Dööne)
- 3 Tablespööns salted butter, melted
full recipe confessionsofacookbookqueen.com
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